Some times when you are out shopping with your kids nature calls on you, with out knocking on the door she just barges in. And having a 4yo in the bathroom stall with you is NEVER a good idea, but what do you do.
First of all I would like to thank CMT for teaching my son the words to "shake it for me girl", which is the song Chancey decided to sing while he was waiting for mom to be done.
Next I would like to thank Corryn for having to be rewared for going poop in the toilet at home and mom having to make such big deal out of it so she will keep going in the toilet........ So when mom was done, Chancey chimes in say "Good job mom, do you get a treat now" in his mommy voice, and clapping at the same time. Along with Corryn holding her nose saying :oh you stinky mommy P U!" thats when you hurry up to try to wash your hads as quick as you can and get away from the bathroom as fast as you can....... after both kids wash thier hands and when I am done drying them off to turn around to dry them again because they wash them again..... After that you just want to leave and come back by yourself when daddy gets home! I NEED A PEPSI!